Green Smoothies for Healthy Skin
We’re all familiar with the phrase, “Abs are made in the kitchen,” which implies that a building a strong six pack starts with a healthy diet, rather than hundreds of crunches. This concept could also apply to having a happy disposition, feeling energized and even getting a clear and healthy complexion. Your diet can have a big impact on the quality of your skin because your skin needs vital nutrients (vitamins and good fats) to reproduce and heal skin cells.
One quick and easy way to give your skin a good boost is by putting together a green smoothie. Smoothies are great because you can throw in a lot of different skin-boosting ingredients, blend it all together quickly and even enjoy it on the go. They’re also easy to customize to your family’s personal preferences. We’ve listed some of the best ingredients to add to your grocery list and then an easy formula to use to create your own smoothies to create a clear and bright complexion.

Almond Milk
Almond milk has anti-inflammatory properties, so it will help reduce and prevent acne flare-ups, wrinkles and rashes. It is also a delicious and low-calorie option smoothie base.
All berries have incredible health benefits and, because of that, some health professionals even encourage people to eat berries every day. Blueberries are especially great for the skin because it is high in antioxidants, which battle wrinkle-causing free radicals. The vitamin A and C can help clear acne and blotchy spots.
The green has to come in somewhere. Spinach is rich in nutrients and antioxidants that will give your skin a healthy glow (vitamins B, C, and E, potassium, iron, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, just to name a few). It is a great way to sneak veggies into your kids’ diet because it’s almost undetectable when combined with fruits like blueberries or bananas.
Oranges and grapefruit are well known for their anti-aging and toning properties. It’s an excellent source of vitamin C and can help restore collagen, both of which are vital to battle and prevent premature aging.
Basic Green Smoothie Formula
Adapted from Our Best Bites
Base #1
1 c. of liquid (orange juice, apple juice, almond milk, etc.)
Base #2
Some type of thickening agent (6-8 oz. yogurt, 1 c. ice, 1 whole frozen banana, etc.)
Pick one or create your favorite combination
1 ½ c. mild fruit (peaches, cubed honeydew or cantaloupe)
1 c. moderate fruit (strawberries, cubed mango, frozen pineapple)
¾ c. of strong flavored fruit (blueberries, raspberries)
Extra Add-ins
Protein powder
1-2 big handfuls of baby spinach
Any desired flavorings or sweeteners
1-2 Tbsp. peanut butter or peanut butter powder