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How Diet Affects Wrinkles

It’s no secret that a healthy diet has many important benefits. Not only does it contribute to weight loss, it also promotes overall health and functionality of the body. Another added benefit of a healthy diet is that it can make dramatic differences in the way your skin looks.


Including plant-based foods into your diet will help you get rid of the signs of aging. A balanced diet of fruits and vegetables will fill your body with antioxidants. Antioxidants are beneficial because they can neutralize the free radicals that lead to age spots, wrinkles, and more. Fruits and vegetables are only some of the foods that can help improve the look of your ageless skin.

eat fruits and vegetables for skin

Healthy fats, such as nuts and olive oil, can contribute greatly to healthy looking skin. These types of healthy fats help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, strengthen cell membrane (most notable the epidermis) and absorb complexion-friendly antioxidants , to give you a more supple face and a revitalized look.


It’s important to note that some foods can have a negative effect on the look of your skin. The foods that you want to avoid too much of, include processed food, pasta, white bread, refined sugar, and meat (especially red meat). These foods can contribute to the aging process by reducing the antioxidants needed to create younger, healthier looking skin.

Alcohol and coffee should also be limited or avoided completely. They can make skin appear older by reducing the moisture in the skin, which will lead to more wrinkles. Water is the most effective solution to this, as it plays a crucial role in hydrating, helping to reduce dark circles and bags under the eyes.

family guy face in coffee

Another important rule is to not smoke. Smoking cigarettes leads to the premature aging of the skin. The symptoms are fine lines and wrinkles. This occurs because the nicotine in cigarettes narrows blood vessels in the outer layers of the skin, thereby reducing the blood flow to these areas. As a result, your skin is deprived of the oxygen it needs to stay healthy and youthful. The most visible lines and wrinkles will appear on the lips and face, however, smoking even causes wrinkles on other parts of your body, like your inner arms.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet and avoiding harmful substances will help you achieve ageless skin.


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